How to Follow up on Contacts Made during International Travel?

Contacts - Three Black Handset Toys
Image by Alex Andrews on

Traveling internationally can offer a plethora of opportunities to make meaningful connections with people from different cultures and backgrounds. Whether you met someone at a conference, a networking event, or simply struck up a conversation with a local during your travels, following up on these contacts is crucial for maintaining relationships and potentially opening doors for future collaborations. In this article, we will explore effective strategies for following up on contacts made during international travel.

**Exchange Contact Information Promptly**

After meeting someone during your international travels, it is essential to exchange contact information promptly. This can be done through traditional means such as exchanging business cards or through digital platforms like LinkedIn or email. By ensuring you have a way to reach out to your new contact, you are setting the stage for further communication and potential collaboration in the future.

**Send a Personalized Follow-Up Message**

Once you have returned from your travels, take the time to send a personalized follow-up message to the contacts you made. Mention where and how you met to jog their memory and express your interest in staying connected. Personalizing your message shows that you value the connection and are genuinely interested in maintaining the relationship beyond the initial meeting.

**Find Common Ground**

When following up with your international contacts, try to find common ground to nurture the relationship. This could be shared interests, professional goals, or even personal experiences. By identifying commonalities, you can deepen the connection and lay the foundation for a more meaningful relationship moving forward.

**Offer Value**

One of the best ways to solidify a new international connection is by offering value. This could be sharing relevant industry insights, introducing them to someone in your network who could be beneficial to them, or providing resources that align with their interests. By offering value, you are showcasing your willingness to contribute to the relationship and establishing yourself as a valuable contact.

**Stay Consistent with Communication**

Consistency is key when it comes to maintaining relationships formed during international travel. Make an effort to stay in touch regularly, whether it’s through occasional emails, connecting on social media, or scheduling virtual catch-ups. By staying consistent with communication, you are demonstrating your commitment to the relationship and keeping the connection alive.

**Attend Events Together**

If the opportunity arises, consider attending events together with your international contacts. This could be industry conferences, networking events, or even social gatherings. By spending time together in person, you can further solidify the relationship and explore potential collaboration opportunities in a more informal setting.

**Plan a Visit**

For contacts that you have established a strong rapport with, consider planning a visit to their country or inviting them to visit yours. Meeting in person again can strengthen the bond and open up new possibilities for collaboration. Whether it’s for business or leisure, a face-to-face meeting can enhance the relationship and take it to the next level.

**Maintain a Positive Attitude**

Lastly, maintaining a positive attitude throughout the follow-up process is crucial. Not all contacts made during international travel will lead to long-term relationships or collaborations, and that’s okay. Approach each follow-up with optimism and a genuine desire to connect, and let the natural flow of the relationship dictate its course.

**In Summary**

Following up on contacts made during international travel is an essential aspect of building and maintaining relationships in today’s interconnected world. By exchanging contact information promptly, sending personalized messages, finding common ground, offering value, staying consistent with communication, attending events together, planning visits, and maintaining a positive attitude, you can nurture these connections and potentially turn them into fruitful collaborations. Remember, networking is not just about making initial connections but also about cultivating and nurturing those connections over time.